Sunday, April 13, 2008


Oh my goodness...has it been about three weeks since my last blog? Unbelievable! Even now, I probably need to be practicing my routine instead of blogging. However, having just read Jacque's blog, I guess if she can find the time to do it, I can too. So, for the next few minutes, I will ignore the laundry, the ironing, the organizing, the sewing, the paperwork for my husband's business and a lot more, while a type a few notes on here. (Just a minute, I need to add Downey to the rinse cycle!) OK, I am back :(

Now, the pageant...they now have a bit more info on about the contestants. There are many lovely and very talented ladies in the pageant. I must keep remembering that I am told by the pageant directors that I am not competing against the others and that I am only competing against being "ALL I CAN BE", because that is what I will be judged on. Good thing, 'cause boy there are some great ladies in the pageant. We have had two rehearsals, so far. Each time, it seems I forget a bit less of my routine. Hopefully, by the time I perform it (oh my goodness, is it just three weeks away?) I will know most of it and maybe even have added a bit of styling and technique..pray for a miracle ;(...I must say that it is actually getting to be fun at times and I am meeting some very nice people....lifetime friends? possibly. I am revamping and adding some bling to my gown, (got some design suggestions from the designer that is doing my costume. God bless her. Oh yes, the costume creation wheels are turning and I got to try on the shell of it last Wednesday. It is to be ready by this Friday so I can pick it up then. The designer, Judy, told me last week, "Don't you worry, honey, I will do a very special job just for you. I will add a lot of bling and you will be very sparkly, and you will be just beautiful! She is such a dear and the owner is, also, so very kind...I don't know how I deserve such "Grace" from them, but thank you God for all the help and support I am receiving throughout this ordeal. Without it, I would have given up long ago.

Larry will be going to the pageant with my friend, Shirley's husband and their single son, Darin, and Larry's single daughter, Joy...hint, hint! Also, Larry's son, Matt, and his wife, Michelle, and their two teenagers are coming. Along with some of my friends and there husbands and possibly my dentist and his staff and some of the staff from Randell Designs..Sure wish my family lived closer..I know they would all be there if it was possible.

Cardio news...I have been attending Cardio-Rehab for three weeks, now. The nurse said I am improving. She said at my stress test in Feb, 2009, my heart shut down when stressed and my blood pressure, during my exercise routine there at rehab, my pulse goes up along with my blood pressure to about 175/over 90....yey!!! God is good! I can now do my entire routine without collapsing, anyway..used to be I could only do about 8 or 9 measures of 8 and then I would have to sit down. Yes, the last couple weeks, I have become optimistically hopeful that I will be around a few more years, anyway..Thank you Lord for your many blessings.

Ok, enuf for now..back to the laundry..luv to all my babies, big and and Grammie

1 comment:

Jacque said...

SOOOO nice to see you online...have thought to call a few times, but never seem to catch up enough to get there. SSSOOOOOO wish I could be at the pageant...I thought i could wing it for the weekend and now my boss is out of town so no such luck :((( Darn it! Someday soon I (capital I) will make the schedule and I will go when I please-- surely can't wait for that! XOXOXOXXO