Thursday, December 27, 2007

Get Set, GO!!!!

OK, everyone...this is your Grammie's very first blog! You can all stop your laughing now..I know it seems a bit primitive, guys ain't seen nothin' yet. Just wait til I figure out how to use this darn thing..I'm certain it will become high fashioned, if that's at all possible.

Now for the big announcement.....I am feeling much better..temp is down to 101 degrees and once in a while, I even see 100.9..YEY! Hope your feeling much better, too, RY, least I didn't have to go to work feeling this badly. Have had a temp since Saturday..wonder what's that about.I haven't had a temp for 5 days total in my life, I think. Been to the doc three times since Sat doing Cardiac testing and never once has anyone mentioned my high temp...HHHMMMMMmmm...all they say is every patient they are seeing this past week has come in sick and now the staff is getting sick. Anyway, supposed to get all the test results tomorrow, so keep me in your time for illness in my life today.

Great to see all the Christmas notes on all your blogs..makes me feel as though I was there with you all..well, I was my heart, anyway. Closing for now..more later..luv to all, Grammie

1 comment:

Jacque said...

LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! The kids will be thrilled, (when they get up:)