Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I'm Back Home!

Sorry about all this health stuff..I sure don't want to become a hypochondriac, but I don't want to leave concerned parties hanging either.

My Angio Gram today showed the stint is where they put it and is working perfectly! YEY!!! The doctor feels that when I am stresses physically and emotionally simultaneously it is too much for my much weakened left ventricle that is only pushing out 25% of the 55% to 60% that a good muscle would be pumping under those circumstances. He believes the answer to be.."Let go and Let God!" Just choking, but it is a thought. He did say I needed to do whatever is necessary to eliminate as much stress as I can. He, also, wants a second opinion and has made an appointment for me for next Wednesday to do a Nuclear (or sometimes called a chemical) stress test. so, that's where we are at right now and thank you everyone so much fro all your prayers..God is good and He is working...Yesterday, the priest anointed me and prayed for my medical staff today. I feel a whole lot better now that I didn't have to have bypass this time, anyway.

I am amazed at how many people are offering to help and bringing food and praying. It so wonderful to feel soo much love.

luv to all my babies big and small, your mama and grammie..;))

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